Mission &

Yuva Parivar Sewa Samiti (YPSS) came into existence on 12th September 2005 with the aim of providing positive direction to the immense potential present in every youth. Nowadays when consumerism, corruption, and characterlessness are on the rise, if young souls are not offered platforms and methods to work on themselves then this same energy quotient can cause major harm to them as well as the society.

YPSS works against 4As and believes in its efforts to eradicate the evils of society around these:
Agyanta — Towards Self Awareness
Abhaav — Towards Self Reliance
Aalasya — Towards Self motivation
Anyaay — Towards Self awakening

YPSS aims to transform youth into selfless stewards of society; To make youth compassionate towards humanity; To identify the evils of society and enable youth to tackle them.
YPSS has grown to more than 25,000 selfless and committed volunteers with the presence Pan-India (HQ: New Delhi, India) and across the major countries of the world.
"A Youth, rich in character, is indeed a blessing for mankind
and also the dire need of the hour."


YPSS deploys ancient methods of Vedantism and self-realization techniques gifted to humanity by Saints and Seers of India. Volunteers, as young as 13 years in age, engage in meditation, yoga, pranayama, selfless service to improve focus, cleanse the conscience and develop the overall personality. These traits, apart from gaining worldy knowledge, help in developing wisdom which directs us towards the constructive task of sustainable living and nation building.

Impact Areas YPSS initiatives like

Drug And Intoxication Eradication Through "Bodh"
Meditation Camps
Cultural Programs
Disaster Relief Programs
Defense Training Have Helped 10s Of Thousands Of Beneficiaries Since Coming Into Existence
Transformation is the end result of these initiatives,
and the transformed are the means to achieve these results


Every Action Counts!

Together we achieve more, looking forward to hear from you


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